Saturday, November 26, 2011


  As much as all roads look the same up close, many differ in shape, size and form. We travel on these roads hoping that the turns and changing elevations will bring a delightful surprise around the bend. We slope into low valleys that take a climb to get out, but in the end we make it. No two roads look the same. Though sometimes our wiry roads converge with another's to get to a common end. I feel like a small child in the backseat asking the infamous question, "Are we there yet?" Most often when posing that question, the trip has only lasted just over an hour or two. Stuck in a car seat, someone can learn a lot. Contentment would be put into practice along with patience. Much to our dismay, the lessons are more challenging than anticipated though they produce much fruit.
  I find myself in a valley or on a long trip today. I know the end will be fulfilling yet the drive seems slow. In the waiting, I have something more than a book, or short show to watch; I have faith. There is grace and peace for those that take hold of it. I trust in the Lord and that what He wants to accomplish is good. There's something to be said for those of us that can stand to wait. I have no intention of stopping my car. The sayings try to explain the feeling when speaking of green grass and silver linings. Only the Lord can water the grass or make the sun come out to shine. He is what we wait for. Or possibly, He has been waiting on us. I am learning.

Currently Listening: At the moment music is not what is important.

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