Saturday, September 12, 2015

Zadie Smith.

     In 2012, Interview Magazine interviewed Zadie Smith concerning her new novel, NW. The interview explains some of Smith's thoughts on writing her newest novel, but also offers her opinion on what makes a novel good. Smith is of the opinion that when people are young, in their twenties, they have an informed grasp on the world, yet lack the insight into their own lives. Then with age, people begin to understand more about themselves and less about the world around them. In her own writing she has seen that shift, or in some cases, growth.

 "When I'm disappointed by a novel, why am I disappointed? And it's really something so simple. For it to be a worthwhile novel, there has to be a reason for it to be in written language. In 1820, that was not one of the demands because there was no other option. That's what there was as a medium. But now there are all these other mediums. I could hear a song. I could watch a film. I could be on the Internet. You have to give me a reason why you have written this down."
- Zadie Smith, 2012

Currently Listening: "The Trapeze Swinger" by Iron and Wine

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