Thursday, January 1, 2015

a year in review.

   Most beginnings start with reflection on what recently ended. Not that the ending always has to be bad, but usually there are joys and possibly some remorse over what takes place. 2015. It has begun and without a warning we have been swept into a new year. Maybe it is the lack of events, or the sub-par television broadcasts that take place, but the new year has never felt like a special event. My memories are summed up by time with family or friends and banging on pots and pans when the clock struck 12 AM. I cannot lie and say that I never think about attending glitzy parties and wearing the fanciest dress I own for New Year's Eve. My experience with these parties even leads me to believe that they only happen in the movies. More than a fancy dress, a New Year's kiss, more than anything, a new year brings opportunity.
  In reflection upon the past year, I am overwhelmed by the events that have passed. The beginning of this year provided Jason with the opportunity to work on music full-time. He played shows, completed his second full-length album and had a successful album release show in Atlanta, Georgia. We were able to take fun road trips to Asheville, NC and Nashville, TN to see some of our favorite bands play. We packed up our belongings from nine months worth of marriage and said goodbye to our first apartment to make the move up to New York City. For the past five months we have been juggling four part-time jobs, one internship, and a classes at The King's College. What can we say about where we are now? We feel absolutely blessed by the gift of living in such an amazing city with the hope of budding friendships and growing knowledge of our neighborhood. I have been working on being more mindful lately; mindful of things I have, things I have been given and things that surround me daily. Instead of becoming angry over missing a bus and another not coming for a half hour, I chose to walk most of the way to work and found myself so full with the beauty that accompanied me that morning. A lot of this life is making a choice.
  So this coming year, 2015, I choose to live well with days full of joy and adventure. I choose to work on something so simple as calligraphy, yet travel with my husband throughout the NorthEast. Cheers to a happy and healthy new year.

Currently Listening: "Bold" by Mountains and Valleys

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