Thursday, May 15, 2014


Observation: Men, who are fortunate to have such facial hair, like to play with their beards often. For example, in the car on the way to work, at a stoplight, etc.

Thought: Does a eating a lemon bar count as eating a fruit? Or does the lack of nutrition within the sugar I added negate the positive attributes of the highly acidic fruit? I had a lemon bar for lunch today.

Aspiration: I am working on painting/drawing more often. So far I have worked on three projects this week and completed two of them.

Frustration: There are only so many things that I can do during a day. Even less during an eight hour work day... therefore I am left with a job (or many small jobs) unfinished. I found myself asking the question: "Will I ever get ahead?" I hope that I do.

    We are making the move back to the big city in a couple of months. I realize that a couple of months is also only a matter of weeks, but in regards to the amount of things to be done, I may be putting that to the side. I am all set up for school. Woop! We do not know where we will be living yet. No need to freak out. New York City is known for its last minute decisions.
   I can't wait to call that place my home again. Filthy subway stops and loud noises into the night never seemed so appealing. I will be reunited with my New York family and all of the other folks that find small spaces enjoyable. It is another step into an important season of life, yet I find myself completely at peace. We have had everything we ever needed in our small apartment here in Georgia, and I have no reason to believe that there will be a difference when we move. It will be our first true adventure. I think we will make it.

Things coming up:
The second week of June is vacation for me! This will be a stay-cation, but I will enjoy every glorious second of it.

July 18th we are having a record release party at Smithe's Olde Bar for Jason's second album! It will be a night of food, friends and fun. Oh, and some pretty amazing tunes.

July 31st is our "moving-out" date. Details to follow.