Tuesday, April 17, 2012


"And don't worry about losing. If it is right, it happens -- The main thing is not to hurry. Nothing good gets away." -- Steinbeck

  I do believe that sometimes the Lord might use other authors to speak to you. Not for the purpose of their words becoming His, but to remind us that He knows what our hearts are saying, thinking, or feeling. There are many pieces of this quote that I appreciate. 1) "Don't worry" -- the simplest saying yet can overwhelm your day if you don't choose to do it. We have no need to worry. 2) "The main thing is not to hurry" -- We want things done now, not tomorrow, or in a week. It rarely happens that everything we want to happen occurs according to our timetable. If we are "not worrying" then the hurry dissipates  and there is peace. 3) "Nothing good gets away" -- I feel as though this can be attributed to an effort we put forth along with the fact that we are promised good. There is a myth that tells us that something good in our life will always bring us good feelings, perfect situations and uplifting days. Truth is that it is how you respond and press through those moments that are certain to happen that forms a stronger, tight-knit relationship that will not crumble. 
  Take heart and choose truth. It is difficult to bear in the moment, but reaps sure reward.

Currently Listening: "Bittersweet Melodies" by Feist 

Sunday, April 8, 2012


 So it comes to today. Truthfully, it happens each morning, but sometimes it is just different. Insight or wisdom concerning a heart issue is brought to light. A truth starts to dispell a lie. We are overcomers. This day has too easily become one to hunt for an array of colored eggs while hoping that a basket full of goodies awaits us on the kitchen counter. I was reminded, as I am every year, of how wonderful it really was to have a perfect son, fully flesh, yet fully God, die on a cross to bear the weight of sin that we could have never been saved from otherwise. We celebrate this specific Sunday because we are alive in Christ and no longer dead in our sins; because honestly, dead is all we are without Him.
  Great things happened today. People will probably remember this Sunday for Watson winning his first Masters. Some might remember the excessive amount of brunch that was consumed and a remnant of belly ache from the extra piece of cake. I am so thankful to have a family that I was able to spend time with; those who care about what the Lord is putting on my heart and the path in which He is leading me. I am thankful that I can look back on this resurrection day and have tangible proof that the enemy has been defeated and the Lord has the victory. I am blessed. Though we may walk through difficult things in this life, if we choose to hold onto the Father, we are guaranteed victory.

Currently Listening: "Maraqopa" by Damien Jurado